
Since Ellison is out of town, I got to cook my own dinner. I was inspired by my ripening eggplant and an NPR interview with Nigella Lawson.
DSCN1587I started with one medium ripe eggplant from my garden. This is just the second one to ripen, and the first one I’m having myself.

DSCN1588Slice thinly lengthwise. Coat each side lightly and evenly with olive oil and black pepper.

DSCN1590Place sliced on a medium grill for several minutes, then flip and grill until tender. It took me about 5 minutes on the first side, and 3 on the second.

DSCN1589Combine tomato sauce (this is a batch Ellison made this weekend, with tomatoes, greens, and herbs from the garden), feta cheese, and fresh thyme and basil to taste.

DSCN1591Move the eggplant slices to an upper shelf on the grill. Place a dollop of the feta mixture in each. Turn heat to low and allow mixture to warm.

DSCN1596Remove from heat and roll slightly. Consume to your heart’s content.

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